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In the mysterious world of NeuroMesa, survival depends on a rare energy known as Regenerative Arcane Minutes (RAM). Like a ticking sand clock, RAM is consumed more as entities appear, and the world’s fate hangs on the delicate balance of its supply. As RAM dwindles, an apocalyptic event ensues—time collapses, glitches occur, and all entities will freeze, ending their existence. 

Typically, entities maintain equilibrium by eliminating the older ones, ensuring RAM doesn’t run out. But there’s a growing threat: the ENMAs. These complex entities devour an excessive amount of RAM, triggering chaos in the timeline and causing the normal entities to malfunction. In their desperation, they hunt ENMAs, driven by a primal need to survive.

The laws of NeuroMesa have been tracking the ENMAs, preparing to destroy them, but some evade capture, growing more powerful with each escape. Some of them, even plan for a r̴̔̅e̵̓̑v̵̏̇e̵̞̐n̸͋̌g̸̽̍e̶̕

In this roguelite 2d game, you as the player try to survive from TOO MANY ENEMIES who try to kill you, will you survive? or will you got killed? or maybe you will sacrifice yourself? or will you find the secret ending? Find out yourself.

Inspired By: soulknight, risk of rain 2, enter the gungeon

Elvis party,

1. Muhammad Nafis Habibi-150 (Programming)

2. Jingglang Galih Rinenggan-102 (Programming)

3. Zeki Amani-216 (Game Production)

4. Muhammad Dafasya Darmawan-139 (Visual Art)

5. Kloce Paul William Saragih-115 (Programming)

6. Billie Bhaskara Wibawa-050 (Game Design)

7.  Annisa Ardellia Khirani-027 (Visual Art)

8. Muhammad Rafi Akbar -151 (Visual Art)

9. Rainaldi Pratama F Sembiring-175 (Programming)

10. Faiq Azzam Nafidz-071 (Programming)

11. Khansa Zhafira Adivarie-114 (Writer)

12. Amira Putri Wardhani-020 (Audio Art)

13. Nazhifah Descha Hanun Sari- 166(Writer)

14. Ananda Muhammad Aghi-021 (Visual Art)

15.  Alliyah Nasywa-016 (Visual Art)

terima kasih sudah main

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Updated 2 days ago
Published 4 days ago
Tags2D, Roguelite


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